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To know God well and make Him globally well known, helping other believers also be well to do the same. 

Anyone can play a part; from praying first to underwriting a mission's trip to hosting a sou-winning Bible study, or spreading the word. 

By making a snail-mail or an automatic monthly gift, you help us to plan and budget more effectively.

School of HOOK and NET

have you made the thrilling discovery yet, that second only to experiencing the blessing, the fun, the great privilege and glory of worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth, comes the tremendous J-O-Y of leading another person to Jesus Christ? 


the bible says, “Jesus called out to them, ‘Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!’” (matthew 4:19). maybe like that seasoned fisher of old, the apostle pete, you feel like a failure, worthless or insignificant at times, well i’m here to remind you that you have talents to use as bait and you can be a vital part of God's fishing plan! Jesus Christ is there for you, to encourage you to grab a pole, a net, some effective worms so to speak. yup, kind of like how He did with Simon when He said, “Don't be afraid! From now on you'll be fishing for people!" (luke 5:10).



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